Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pak Lah :The Conspiracy Theory

Pak Lah had admitted that defeat suffered by BN was due to amongst others, UMNO in-fighting and sabotage by members in the recent election. Of course the main reason why they lost what they lost due to malays turning their backs on BN, not so much as Umno. How come so?

Looking back, UMNO is BN's core strength. At the same time UMNO proclaims to champion the Malay's cause. ( Malays are Muslims except they speak eat and shit malay, whatever race they are in contrast to PAS which caters for all Muslims) . Perhaps, UMNO has failed juggling between the interests of Malay, Muslim and Malaysian?

Or perhaps its not UMNO but Pak Lah's fault, together with his son in law KJ?

I dont know for sure, but I have a theory. All the above is true, but above all, its a conspiracy.. to kick Pak Lah out this time around. Look at the signs, the tools and the kill.

The big sign: Merdeka celebration. Yes, it started last year. Notice the Merdeka adverts? Malaysia belongs to all Malaysian, all race or religion are at par? Hello... Islam is the national religion. Malays are defined as people from any race as long as they are Muslims, speaks malay and malay culture. Get the people who are behind the ads and we will get to know who the conspirators are.. That strikes fear amongst the malay. They are not special any more...

The tool 1. : Lina Joy
The tool 2. Brother Moorti. A Muslim, dead, burnt as a Christian
The tool 3: Hindraf

The conspirators knows the rule of the land. Show disrespect to Islam and you are gone.
Unfortunately, Pak Lahs play right into their trap. His late action against Hindraf was a big price to pay. UMNO fails to protect Muslims from the people they gave their share of this country to. These event strikes fear deep inside malay heart. Not to mention the hatred that it incites. Now you know why every indian candidate put up by BN got licked including uncle Sami. Makkal my foot. Its not Indian people power. Its just Malay voters teaching UMNO leaders a lesson. Pity MCA which has got nothing to do with the Indians received the backlash from Malay voters.

Why the conspiracy?
Dr. Mahathir have been Prime Minister for 25 years. Dont look at him. Look at the people who has enjoyed the wealth that this country brings under him. Pak Lah's biggest mistake is when he chops of these guys lifeline when he took over. He should have been more creative like he is now by creating new avenues with the Iskandar and the likes instead of chopping landasan tren berkembar, titi serong serabai, etc. And then of course theres the KJ factor. Helloo.. potong cue ker bro?

KJ, If you think you have the money, just remember mahathir ada dua anak and he has been at your fathers in law's place for 25 years. Just imagine how much richer he can be. This message was sent across the country when Mukriz delivered Malaysian built the tallest off shore oil rig to New Zealand. Bukan jual kat petronas tau bro..

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